What Does The Arrow Mean On Iphone? – Detailed Guide For The Iphone Users

If you are using an iPhone, it certainly brings to you a lot of features. With an iPhone, you can enjoy the next-level features of your phone. But, if you have bought a new iPhone recently, you may not know all the features of it.

Sometimes, you might see an icon of an arrow in on your iPhone. Sometimes, the icon is blue, sometimes it is hollow, and sometimes it becomes grey in color. So, you must be thinking: what does the arrow mean on iPhone? Is it a new feature that has been added to the phone recently, or what else?

Don’t you worry! Today, we have penned down everything about this arrow icon on your iPhone. So, this article will explains to you all that you want to know about the arrow icon. To know everything, you must read this guide to the end.

So, let’s begin and find answers to the query: what is the arrow icon on iPhone?

What Does The Little Arrow On Iphone Mean?

Every iPhone or Android smartphone has its own location services. With the help of the location service, you will find out the areas that are near to you. Also, if you fare in search of a medical store, hospital, bank, or anything else, the location service of your phone will help you in that.  

In an iPhone, when you turn on the location services, you will see an icon of an arrow. It indicates that, you have given permissions to the operating system of your iPhone to use the location services. Now, it will determine your areas.

The arrow on your iPhone indicates the location services of your phone. The arrow on the iPhone tells you that some applications are using your phone’s location services. You can see a few variations of this arrow button. You can see the arrow in different colors. This indicates that the phone’s location is used in some other ways.

To determine your locations, the iPhone uses the Bluetooth, GPS, and the Wi-Fi services of your phone. Now, sometimes, you will witness an arrow icon on your status bar. So, you might think: what does the arrow icon on the status bar mean?

 If you are using an Android smartphone, the arrow icon on the status bar in your phone means you will be able to send an email from your phone. If you see an arrow icon on the status bar in your iPhone, it indicates that your iPhone is no longer connected to any VPN services.

Now, the arrow icon keeps changing its color according the service that your phone use. I will tell you about the colors now.

The Arrow on iPhone- What does it mean?

1. Gray Arrow On Iphone

It indicates that you have opened an application on the iPhone. So, that application or an website is currently using the location service feature on your iPhone.

2. Purple Arrow On iPhone

If you see that the arrow has become solid purple in color, it indicates that some application on your iPhone has recently used your location service feature.

3. Hollow Arrow On iPhone

When you witness a hollow arrow on your iPhone, it indicates that currently some of the apps of your phone are actively using the location service feature. The hollow arrow will show up when you turn on the Geofencing option on your iPhone. When you turn on the mode of Geofencing, it makes virtual map around some of the certain locations. In this case, when you enter or leave with your iPhone in a particular location, your iPhone sends you an alert.

5. Blue Arrow On IPhone

When you see a blue arrow on your iPhone, you might think: what does the blue arrow mean on iPhone? Well, it indicates that some of the apps on your phone is requesting to turn on the location service. These apps can’t work if you turn off your location service feature.

The Arrow on iPhone- What does it mean?

How To Show Or Hide The Arrow Icon

Now, you might want to hide your location services because of your privacy. The good news is that you can show or hide the arrow icon very easily. Showing or hiding does not mean that you are enabling or disabling the location services of your iPhone.

  1. You need to go to your iPhone first.
  2. After that, you should opt for open the Settings option.
  3. From there, you have to go to the option Privacy.
  4. From there, choose to use the Location Services option.
  5. Now, you have to scroll down and search for the option System Services.
  6. Again, you should choose to scroll down and find out the option Status Bar Icon.
  7. Toggle it on if you want to show the arrow icon. Toggle it off to hide the arrow icon.

How To Hide The Arrow Icon On The Status Bar

If you want to hide the arrow icon on the status bar on your iPhone, you have to go along with the below mentioned steps.

  1. Open Settings on the iPhone.
  2. Choose Privacy.
  3. From there, opt for Location Services.
  4. Now move to System Services.
  5. Select the Status bar icon and toggle the button off.

How To Turn Off And On Location Services

  1. You need to go to your iPhone first.
  2. After that, you should opt for open the Settings option.
  3. From there, you have to go to the option Privacy.
  4. From there, choose to use the Location Services option.
  5. Search for the applications for which you want to stop the location services.
  6. Choose Never.
  7. You will choose another option if you want certain apps to use the location services.
  8. For that you have to set ‘While Using the App’. Thus, only when you use those apps, they will access the location services feature.

The Arrow on iPhone- What does it mean?

Location Services Not Working

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Go to General.
  3. Choose the option Reset Location and Privacy.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can You Tell When Someone Checks Your Location?

Well, privacy is the first priority of everyone. But, you can’t know whether someone sees your location. You can have the feature of Snap map. But, unfortunately that will not help you. However, you can turn on the Ghost Mode, if you wish to protect your location from others.

2. Why Is My Location Arrow Always On?

There are some applications in your phone that require the location turned on for functioning properly. For example, the whether application needs the location turned on to work properly. That is why the location arrow or the location icon is always on in your phone.

3. Why Is There An Arrow On My Battery?

If you see an arrow on your battery it means that your battery is draining because of the moisture in the charging pot. To fix this, you can use isopropyl alcohol to clean the charging case.

4. What Is The Arrow Icon On Iphone?

The arrow on your iPhone indicates the location services of your phone. The arrow on the iPhone tells you that some applications are using your phone’s location services. You can see a few variations of this arrow button. You can see the arrow in different colors. This indicates that the phone’s location is used in some other ways.

6. What Does The Arrow Icon On The Status Bar Mean?

If you are using an Android smartphone, the arrow icon on the status bar in your phone means you will be able to send an email from your phone. If you see an arrow icon on the status bar in your iPhone, it indicates that your iPhone is no longer connected to VPN.

To Sum It Up

So, here is all about the arrow icon on your iPhone. If you have recently bought an iPhone and see the arrow icons with different colors, you will now know what these icons indicate. So, you can modify your new iPhone according to your choice.

 Also Read: How To Unblock Pop Ups On iPhone and Why To Do It?





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